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There are a number of ways you can get involved in the life of our Church. Check out details below and if you're interested in finding out more then please get in touch.

Sunday Service

We love to gather on a Sunday morning to sing together, pray and listen to what God is saying through His Word. Our all-age worship service includes groups for children – creche (0-4 year) and ‘Fuse’ (5-11 years). Tea, Coffee and refreshments are served before and after the service. We also take the opportunity to have communion together as part of our gathering.



On alternate Wednesday nights we meet in family homes around the local area to pray together for our community, our world and each other.


Bible Study

On alternate Wednesday nights we run our Life Groups, where we meet in family homes around the local area to grow together in God’s Word.

Christian Booklet


On Sunday mornings we run a creche for 0-4 years and our Sunday School class; ‘Fuse’ for 5-11 years. We love to see the children involved in our services too, sharing a story or singing a song!



Our ignite group for Secondary aged young people meets on Friday nights for games, Bible study and food. The group also runs on some Sunday mornings, with the young people staying in the service other weeks. Many of our young people also serve in teams on a Sunday morning, such as the praise, set up, AV and creche teams.

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Serving Together

We have lots of teams at SGC who help make church happen! On Sunday mornings we have our praise, set up, welcome, AV and catering teams, as well as those running our activities for children and young people. Our Outreach Group organise events and activities in the local area and our Missions team help us support the wider work of the Christian Church. You can read more about our missionary partners here.


Local Initiatives

In addition to our local events run throughout the year, we support Thornliebank together (link), our local foodbank and run services in the Sheltered Housing.

Trash Picking
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