We seek to meet any and every need of our ‘neighbour’ as best we can, as well as sharing the good news about our most fundamental need, to know Jesus.
South Glasgow Church is made up of a diverse group of Christians who have been brought together by what God has done in our lives through His son, Jesus Christ. We believe that God has a plan for our lives and the lives of those around us. We seek to be a hope-filled people who love one another and love the community around us.
Click here for our Statement of Faith.
As a group of Christians, we believe it is essential for us to get to know God more and have more of Him in our lives. We do this individually, but also as a community of believers when we meet together each week to listen to God’s word from the Bible, and to worship Him.
We also believe that God asks people like us to share the message of His great rescue plan for mankind with those around us. In South Glasgow Church we seek to do this through our involvement in ministry within our immediate local area, across Scotland, and through our international partnerships. We seek to meet any and every need of our ‘neighbour’ as best we can, as well as sharing the good news about our most fundamental need, to know Jesus.
A link to our full vision statement will appear here shortly.
Knowing God and making Him known
South Glasgow Church is a registered Scottish Charity (SC044480) and as such are regulated by OSCR.
Safeguarding is given the highest priority within our church to ensure that everyone, young and old, feels safe from harm. Copies of our safeguarding documents are available on request via ‘Contact Form’
Requests for any other documents should be made via the same route.